
Tips to Keep Horses Happy and Healthy

Horses are majestic creatures that deserve to be treated well. If you’re a horse owner, it’s important to know how to keep them happy and healthy. If you’ve not owned horses before, it’s easy to fall into common traps and make simple mistakes. With this guide, you become a more informed horse owner.

Get Into Routines

Above all else, horses appreciate routine. They are creatures of habit and like to know what to expect each day. This means that you should create a daily routine for them and stick to it as much as possible. Of course, there will be times when you have to deviate from the routine, but try to keep these to a minimum.

If you can perform all the necessary duties at the same time each day, your horse will thank you for it. Furthermore, the routine will also ensure that you do all the required jobs each day.

Make Sure They Have Enough Room

Horses are meant to roam free and have plenty of space to do so. In the wild, they would roam for miles each day. Unfortunately, most domesticated horses don’t have this luxury. If you have the space, however, make sure your horse has access to a large paddock or field.

If you have more than one horse, they must get along. If they don’t, they will start to fight and this can lead to serious injury. If you house more than one horse together, make sure they have enough room to move around and that there are no sharp objects or other hazards that could hurt them.

Of course, horses also need to be able to lie down and rest; although they are skilled sleepers while standing, they sometimes like to rest their legs. Your horses should have access to a clean, dry stall where they can rest when they need to. Ultimately, the stall should be large enough for them to lie down comfortably and turn around, but it doesn’t need to be huge.

Prevent Parasites

Next, you need to take steps to prevent parasites. While some horses are more susceptible to them than others, all horses can get them if they’re not properly cared for. The most common parasites that affect horses are:

  • Gastrointestinal roundworms
  • Tapeworms
  • Bots
  • Lice

To prevent parasites, you should:

  • Have your horse dewormed regularly
  • Pick up their manure daily
  • Keep their living area clean and dry
  • Avoid letting them graze in wet, marshy areas

Feed Them a Balanced Diet

Just like humans, horses need a balanced diet to stay healthy. A good diet for a horse includes:

  • Grains
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Hay or pasture
  • Vitamins and minerals

You should also make sure they have access to clean, fresh water at all times. If not, they could become dehydrated, which can lead to colic.

Exercise Them Regularly

Horses are meant to move, so it’s important to make sure they get enough exercise. A lack of exercise can lead to several health problems, including weight gain, joint and muscle problems, and behavioral issues. With the latter, horses can become destructive, which can be dangerous for both them and you.

To ensure your horse stays healthy, make sure they get at least 30 minutes to an hour of exercise every day. This can be in the form of riding, turnout time, or even just hand-walking them around the property.

Keep Their Stalls and Pastures Clean

A clean environment is important for all horses, but it’s especially important for those that are kept in stalls. A dirty stall can lead to many health problems, including respiratory issues and skin infections.

Follow these tips to keep your horse’s environment clean:

• Pick up manure and wet bedding daily.

• Keep the stall well-ventilated.

• Give the stall a deep clean at least once a week.

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