Organic Farming: Can It Feed Us (Part 1)

Organic Farming: Can It Feed Us (Part 1)

VVH-TV News Special
Organic Farming: Can It Feed Us? Part 1

Karl Grossman Chief Investigative Reporter examines Organic Farming on Eastern Long Island.

What is organic farming?
Organic farming can be defined as an approach to agriculture where the aim is to create integrated, humane, environmentally and economically sustainable agricultural production systems. Maximum reliance is placed on locally or farm-derived renewable resources and the management of self-regulating ecological and biological processes and interactions in order to provide acceptable levels of crop, livestock and human nutrition, protection from pests and diseases, and an appropriate return to the human and other resources employed. Reliance on external inputs, whether chemical or organic, is reduced as far as possible. In many European countries, organic agriculture is known as ecological agriculture, reflecting this reliance on ecosystem management rather than external inputs.

The objective of sustainability lies at the heart of organic farming and is one of the major factors determining the acceptability or otherwise of specific production practices. The term ‘sustainable’ is used in its widest sense, to encompass not just conservation of non-renewable resources (soil, energy, minerals) but also issues of environmental, economic and social sustainability. The term ‘organic’ is best thought of as referring to the concept of the farm as an organism, in which all the component parts – the soil minerals, organic matter, micro-organisms, insects, plants, animals and humans – interact to create a coherent and stable whole.

The key characteristics of organic farming include:

protecting the long term fertility of soils by maintaining organic matter levels, encouraging soil biological activity, and careful mechanical intervention;

providing crop nutrients indirectly using relatively insoluble nutrient sources which are made available to the plant by the action of soil micro-organisms;

nitrogen self-sufficiency through the use of legumes and biological nitrogen fixation, as well as effective recycling of organic materials including crop residues and livestock manures;

weed, disease and pest control relying primarily on crop rotations, natural predators, diversity, organic manuring, resistant varieties and limited (preferably minimal) thermal, biological and chemical intervention;

the extensive management of livestock, paying full regard to their evolutionary adaptations, behavioural needs and animal welfare issues with respect to nutrition, housing, health, breeding and rearing;

careful attention to the impact of the farming system on the wider environment and the conservation of wildlife and natural habitats.

(c) WVVH-TV 2007 all rights reserved

  • Just remember, with GMO crops they wish to call Organic…No matter how much sugar you spoon onto a bowl full of cow crap, its still a bowl of cow crap.
    GMO’s and Monsanto is the worlds worst enemy!!!

  • Just remember, with GMO crops they wish to call Organic…No matter how much sugar you spoon onto a bowl full of cow crap, its still a bowl of cow crap.
    GMO’s and Monsanto is the worlds worst enemy!!! Fight to bring back the family farms, and take the food production, out of the hand of government crownie corporations.!!!

  • Fuck most people dont care SSell Out to monsanto or all these greedy Posionus Genetically Modified garbage. Id rather Know what I eat Than some genetic Garbage Like Monsanto.

  • Thanks, VVHTV, you brave and noble truth chasers! This needs to be said.
    Unfortunately, family farms have become a political issue because monster corporations like Monsanto have been given free reign to crush them, which they are doing rapidly, endangering our food supply with their sterile seeds, poisonous GMOs, and roundup (named after Farmer Hoggit’s desire to use his zionazi pigs who think he’s god to roundup and corral the sheeple for slaughter).

  • @eastariel Have you ever ate ketchup before? Did it kill you? Well guess what all kinds of chemicals and GMO seeds were used to produce them tomatos..Dont give me this shit where its “poisonous” All of you people just want somethin more to bitch about..our farmers have done this since the 60s. Oh and this stupid ass video “oh they are just farmers” FUCK you I’m a farmer and I work hard everyday of my life and you dipshits need to stick to the best thing you do..Hug trees

  • @bigwheezy312 Unless you live in China, there are currently no GM tomatoes available for human consumption. There were also no GM crops avalable for human consumption in the 1960’s.

  • @bladder1010 “Organic farming can lead to increased food production – in many cases a doubling of yields has been seen””the average crop yield increase was even higher for these projects: 116 per cent increase for all African projects and 128 per cent increase for the projects in East Africa””findings are backed up by studies from Asia and Latin America that concluded that organic farming can reduce poverty in an environmentally friendly way.”

  • @bladder1010 “Today’s scientific evidence demonstrates that agroecological methods outperform the use of chemical fertilizers in boosting food production where the hungry live- especially in unfavorable environments.””To date agroecological projects have shown an average crop yield increase of 80% in 57 developing countries, with an average increase of 116% for all African projects.”

  • @bladder1010 “Organic farming can yield up to three times as much food as conventional farming on the same amount of land.””In developing countries, food production could double or triple using organic methods” sciencedaily”dot”com/releases/2007/07/070711134523.htm
    Impact of compost use on crop yields in Tigray, Ethiopia “Fields treated with compost gave higher yields of both grain and straw than those treated with chemical fertilizer”­ag/ofs/02-Edwards.pdf

  • Cool video, check out our video of Willie Greens, a Washington state based organic farm.

  • The answer is also in us self. With good tuning (good yoga) and usage of our body we can do with quite less food with the same effect.

  • Yes, lady, there are fewer people farming now than there were before the invention of farming.

    And hmm, you’re asking an organic farmer what he thinks about organic farming and he’s in favor of it? BIG SURPRISE

  • the only reason commercial farming was created in the first place, is to provide food that cost less money, its not because it was hard and impossible to feed people with normal food, many people are confused about this subject, i totally agree with you.

    in Azerbajian, a very moden country, everything is organic, they dont know what commercial is, the persident gave a speech saying, there is a new trend in the world, its called organic, now we can ship the same food 40% more expensive LOL

  • Healthier food, better taste less footprint on co2, water and airpulotion better for earth, and i could continue. Why is this not more common?. Because it cant be mass produced do to pests and sickness?. Hmm, theres anti pests insects, plants and animals immune system is not supressed by chemicals and therefor stronger, ofcause some will fail, but this is evolution and only best are going to the ground again or in our mouths :). Eating TOXIC chemicals and medicins left overs in food is no good!

  • in some ten years, if we go on like this, any kind of agriculture can only feed the rich.

  • Most people in Africa engage exclusively in organic farming and they are starving to death.

  • People in countries all over Africa are starving because they have no soil. You can be as organic as you want, but when your soil dries up and blows away, you simply can’t win. It is about far more than organic practices at this point. Unless it has been salted, dead land can be brought back to life and then organic practices can maintain it so no one has to starve. And you don’t have to be rich to make that happen. The key is education.

  • Canada and America the food system is fucked!!!! 85-90% or more is GMO/cancer causing/pesticide laced crap, the government subsidizes the crap out of factory farms and conventional farms, bloody freaking waste of money!!! Lets see the actual cost of a conventionally grown tomato or a pound of tomatoes, is like $374 in America! A pound of corn fed puke (beef), is like $815 without subsidies.

  • Obama, that assholes actually trying to ban organic farming!!! He passed a bill that Monsantin basically gets a get out of jail free card if GMO’s are damaging to our health, die of cancer can’t sue, kids born with autism or down syndrome can’t sue, develop allergies to GMO’s or foods that really shouldn’t be allergies in the first place, like strawberry,blueberry or lettuce. Like I met a woman that needed an eppy pen for an allergy to onions.

  • We relly don’t have the enzymes for GMO’s so they might poke holes in the intestinal track, causing leaky gut and if not fully digested food proteins leak through the intestines into the blood and your body releases antibodies to attack the food particles that might cause allergies to foods like apples or grapes even. The actual cost of a pound or single tomato without subsidies is like $374 in America, the cost of a pound of corn fed puke(beef) is like $815, what a waste, 90-99% is subsidized!!

  • Organic with either some subsidies or prefably the collapse of capitalism into socialism, with much fairer set wages, 60 years ago the average American CEO made 15-20% the average worker,now it’s a fucking 300%. Organic could feed America and especially Canada, 70-85% of Americas grown food is fed to it’s cattle and livestock mostly cattle.

  • If the world went vegan western culture alone could almost feed the world 1.5 times over, so like 10.5 billion could be fed especially if most industrialized

  • Right on, 20 thousand years of the earth adapting to organic practices or 35-50 years of toxic chemicals,lack of crop rotation,contaminated water and GMO’s, that’s ravaging top soil,poisoning and killing us,wildlife,livestock and the planet. Organic chicken feathers may contain trace amounts of calcium,decent amounts magnesium and phosphorus that can be ground into organic fertilizer, organic fish-meal for fertilizer, composted leaves and grass cuttings, tobacco can be use as a insect repellent.

  • Right on, 20 thousand years of the earth adapting to organic practices or 35-50 years of toxic chemicals,lack of crop rotation,contaminated water and GMO’s, that’s ravaging top soil,poisoning and killing us,wildlife,livestock and the planet. Organic chicken feathers may contain trace amounts of calcium,decent amounts magnesium and phosphorus that can be ground into organic fertilizer, organic fish-meal for fertilizer, composted leaves and grass cuttings, tobacco can be use as a insect repellent.

  • We relly don’t have the enzymes for GMO’s so they might poke holes in the intestinal track, causing leaky gut and if not fully digested food proteins leak through the intestines into the blood and your body releases antibodies to attack the food particles that might cause allergies to foods like apples or grapes even. The actual cost of a pound or single tomato without subsidies is like $374 in America, the cost of a pound of corn fed puke(beef) is like $815, what a waste, 90-99% is subsidized!!

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  • GMO is everywhere. I think more and more organic farming needs to be readily available. I started switching to Organic stuff around the house. I even use natural bug spray called Sweetly Citron I got on amazon.

  • Food sovereignity. In places like Africa they need to grow their own natural crops not the gmo nonoculture the West forces on them.

  • Hello!
    I’m a strong believer that good health depends on what you eat. As some studies show that organic foods have more beneficial nutrients. I have started my own healthy food business. I fight against big coorporations that wants to kill people with their killing foods. Herbalcost, my online organic food, has been committed to providing the finest organic products on the planet.Org anic products reduce health risks.Please, help me grow this business and together we can provide better food options for all. http://WWW.HERBALCOST.COM and Please visit our facebook page to share experiences : s/HerbalCost/415670238485566?r ef=hl

  • GMO Foods Cause CANCER + read WAVEgenetic + БЕСПЛОДИЕ Советую читать “Энциклопедию умного сыроедения” Гладков С.М. ( в 1части книги дана информация о ГМО) + “Лингвистико-волновой геном” Гаряев, “Семена разрушения” Уильяма Энгдаля + “Что мы едим?…” Ермакова И.В., а также док. фильмы “Мир согласно Монсанто” (2008г.) и “Трансгенизация” (2007г.)