Granja Ramonich, Organic Farm devoted to Animal Welfare

Granja Ramonich, Organic Farm devoted to Animal Welfare

Organic farm of pigs in Spain. The farmer shows us the facilities and talks about the ECO / BIO / ORGANIC philosophy and the ANIMAL WEFARE as its basis.

  • En el punto donde hay calor que van los cerditos a dormir, como es posible que haya una bombilla encendida?!. Así no pueden dormir bien, no debería de haber luz en esa parte. si es un lugar para dormir.

  • ATOVI Tech. wil help solve the problem of piggery owners in manure disposal. ATOVI corrects & maintains the digestive system of livestock properly, thus all nutrients & medication r absorbed & utilized properly & efficiently.Proof: almost total absence of undigested protein in manure & very low ammonia fumes ending up into a non- pathogenic and organic fecal waste further decomposition not needed.Owners save alot of money, no need sewerage treatment system .For info e-mail

  • Stop the New Zealand government (plus AHB) from dropping 1080 & Brodifacoum poison over our forests and INTO our streams & water catchment areas. Search youTube:
    Deer Mass Poisoned
    New Zealand Rivers – The Fight to Keep Them Poison-Free
    Poisoning Stewart Island – updated version, including marine impact
    Is Waikato Regional Council recklessly applying 1080 poison?

    We need to stop this poison mentality if we are to claim anything in NZ is Organic (or poison free)

  • very good job and planning, this is so great compared to the inhumane conditions of the more greedy and soul less meat companies. I would happily pay more for this kind of meat. Just for the proteins and oils, vegetarianism is not a good option. Great job you guys 🙂