Organic Farming Video, Australia, How to – Broadacre

Organic Farming Video, Australia, How to – Broadacre

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Organic farming is currently receiving a lot of attention. Many farmers are keen to give organics ago but are unsure about the process involved and it’s viability. A new video produced by Mark Shea of, hopes to demystify organic farming by bringing together some of Australias top commercial organic and non-toxic farmers, and ask them how they manage their enterprises without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides.

Mark joined a tour led by Nuffield Farming Scholar Don MacFarlane which took in ten different properties including the Victorian Agricultural Research Centre.

The great thing about the video is that it allows the farmers involved to tell their own story on why they went organic, how they went about it and whether it has been a viable move. The video covers such diverse farming enterprises as organic cattle, sheep, poultry, pigs, grain, wine, fruit and vegetables.

L’agricoltura biologica sta ricevendo molta attenzione. Molti agricoltori sono pronti a dare sostanze organiche fa, ma sono incerti circa il processo in questione ed è vitalità. Un nuovo video prodotto da Mark Shea di, spera di demistificare l’agricoltura biologica, riunendo alcune delle Australias top agricoltori commerciali organici e non tossici, e chiedere loro come gestire le loro imprese senza l’uso di fertilizzanti sintetici e pesticidi.

Segna unito un tour guidato dal Nuffield Agricoltura Scholar Don MacFarlane che ha avuto in dieci diverse proprietà tra cui il Centro di Ricerca Agricola vittoriana.

La cosa grande circa il video è che permette gli agricoltori interessati a raccontare la propria storia sul perché sono andati organico, come si è andato a riguardo e se è stata una mossa valida. Il filmato è dedicato ad aziende agricole diversi come bestiame biologico, ovini, pollame, maiali, grano, vino, frutta e verdura.

Scarica il video agricoltura biologica –

Der ökologische Landbau erhält derzeit viel Aufmerksamkeit. Viele Bauern sind daran interessiert, geben organische vor, sind aber unsicher über den Prozess eingebunden und es ist Lebensfähigkeit. Ein neues Video von Mark Shea von produziert, hofft auf den ökologischen Landbau durch die Zusammenführung von einigen von Australiens Top-kommerziellen organischen und nicht-toxisch Bauern zu entmystifizieren, und bitten Sie sie, wie sie ihre Unternehmen ohne den Einsatz von synthetischen Düngemitteln und Pestiziden zu verwalten.

Mark trat eine Tour durch Nuffield Farming Scholar Don MacFarlane, die in zehn verschiedene Immobilien, darunter das viktorianische Agricultural Research Centre übernahm geführt.

Die große Sache über das Video ist, dass es ermöglicht die beteiligten Landwirte, ihre eigene Geschichte, warum sie gingen organischen erzählen, wie sie über sie ging und ob es eine tragfähige bewegen gewesen. Das Video umfasst so unterschiedliche landwirtschaftliche Betriebe als organische Rinder, Schafe, Geflügel, Schweine, Getreide, Wein, Obst und Gemüse.

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  • Organic farming is the best farming approach, it’s not only for producing healthy food, but protecting the Ecosystems around us, and organic food is much more better than the convential food, especially the organic roasted chicken with rice, i’m so happy to see organic farms and happy animals with healthy plants, even the macro fauna in the soil are happy, organic farming = happy life, i am still studying in my organic school, my dream is to establish a healthy farm

  • One of the best general introductions to what ‘organic agricultre’ really means.

  • I want to have a small farm thingy, I will have cows and chickens and sheep, but I won’t kill them, I will use the cows to sell milk and cheese and icecrmeam, chicken for eggs, and sheep for wool. Then I would have a gaint crop field that I would grow crops and a orchard *spelling?* with fruit trees, and a river where I would get fish to feed my family.

  • organic farming improves farmers health,is fun eggs are more dense and have fine colour and taste.

  • From 15 to 100 billion in ten years … WOW! … Nice video with good message. Cheers!

  • Whoever subs me with in the next 10 mins will recive a sub and 5 videos liked and comment on 2 videos plz Subscribe to me thanks

  • congra Australia ,, you are soo lucky… we here in usa.. bunch of greedy corporation along wt monsanto feed us hormone infest meat .killing us slowly